
Did you know there are Autism Surf camps all over the world. Amazing people behind each surf camp working hard to bring the unique surfing experience to our amazing kiddos with Autism.

Thank you to all the Autism Surf camps around the world that work towards the common goal of making surfing accessible and fun to all our amazing kids. Surf’s Up is definitely not the first Autism Surf Camp and definitely will not be the last but as a father of a child with Autism I am proud of my child, our families, volunteers and the west coast surf community. I am proud to be inspired by the Aloha Spirit of Autism Surf Camps all over the world. As I and the Surf’s Up Team have always said at the end of the day it is about our amazing children and their journeys not about anything else.

Surf’s up means the world to me because of my son’s passion of surfing and what he has accomplished in such a short period of time. I rarely share personal pictures but below is a picture of myself and my son, living in his moment, in his element doing what he loves. Competing in the Rip Curl Pro where he is loved by the west coast surfing community. Tofino and Ucluelet are family to us and support us 100%. They have been with us since Day 1.

My son was diagnosed with Autism at age 4 and by age 5 surfed his first wave, by age 8 rode in his first competition and shortly after he received his first sponsorship. Not because he is the best but because he is loved and people believe in him. His sponsor believes in who he is and what he represents. That anyone can dream big and great things can happen. Thank you to LBSS for believing in him!

At the end of the day I am a regular father who works a 9 to 5 job. I am a father with a child with Autism, I get it I understand it, even though our paths are different sometimes we walk in each others shoes. I am a father who spends hundreds of hours a year co organizing and fundraising for this camp so that other families share the experience I have with my son. This has been an amazing dream which I have been humbled to share with other families.

So thank you to my son who teaches me everyday love, compassion, and acceptance. That teaches me that there is room for everyone in this playground called life as long as we realize that everyone is special and unique in their own way.

You are the reason, you are my inspiration and at the end of the day you are the one I look at and thank.

Buddy you are the definition of stoke, love and spirit, You define Aloha Spirit to me! Love you!

As we continue to grow each year since 2010 when we started the planning stages of this event I thank everyone who has taken the time to know my son, his story and support his dream. As well to know the concept behind Surf’s Up in Tofino BC which is now in it’s 3rd year. My son is now 9 years old, he knows there is only one Clay Marzo that is the icon of professional surfing and Autism, there will only be one Clay, but my son can strive to be his best and Clay will always be his inspiration. In the end it is all about our kids and one common purpose. Mahalo If you have any question in regards to the camp please contact

Surf's Up Event - Sponsored by Rip Curl's photo.

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